January 1, 2017 + The Feast of the Holy Name
Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. with chant and hymns, sermon by Postulant Michael Corey.
Worship at Home:
Click here for the Service Bulletin; scroll to read full sermon text.
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Service Music:
Voluntary What star is this? Alec Wyton (1921-2007)
Opening Hymn 109 The first Nowell the angels did say The First Nowell
Sequence Hymn To the Name of our salvation Regent Square
Gospel, Offertory and Communion Music Chant for the Feast of the Holy Name, sung by John Nowacki
Closing Hymn 450 All Hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Coronation
Voluntary Postlude in F Eric Thiman (1900-1975)
Full Sermon Text:
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