April 2, 2017 + The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the Adult Choir, sermon by Wesley Winterbottom.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Brahms is hardly known for his organ music, and indeed he wrote very little of it – an hour’s worth in total, a mere five works. Yet the Lutheran music he grew up with exerted a major influence on him and his compositions. The 11 Chorale Preludes, Op. 122 constituted Brahms’s very last work, although they were not published until 1902. Among these is found this elegiac setting of the familiar hymn-tune Herzliebster Jesu, with musical suspensions reminiscent of Christ’s pain on the cross.
Kyrie eleison S-84 Gregorian Chant, Orbis factor
Sequence Hymn 151 From deepest woe I cry to thee Aus tiefer Not
Offertory Anthem Out of the depths Alan Hovhaness (1911-2000)
Words: Psalm 130, found at Hymn 151
Sanctus Gregorian Chant, Deus Genitor alme
Agnus Dei Gregorian Chant, Deus Genitor alme
Communion Anthem Lay up for yourselves Ned Rorem (b. 1923)
Words: Matthew 6: 20-21
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,
And where thieves do not break through and steal.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Post-communion Anthem Rejoice in the Lord always Traditional
Children’s Choir
Hymn in Procession 665 All my hope on God is founded Michael
The timeless words of this great hymn were written in 1680 by Joachim Neander (who also brought us Praise to the Lord, the almighty). The hymn’s popularity increased in the 20th century when its pairing with a tune Michael by the English composer Herbert Howells became more widely known. Howells’ son, Michael, born in 1925, had died in childhood in 1935 from spinal meningitis. It is believed that shortly after this, in 1936, Howells received a request for a new hymn tune in the morning’s post, and he is said to have written the tune, which he named after his late son, over breakfast.
Voluntary Agincourt hymn John Dunstable (c. 1390-1453)
Children’s Choir Directors: Daaé Ransom, Katherine Foust
Full Sermon Text:
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